Tuesday, June 14, 2011

One of my favorite quotes by the great John Wayne!!!

My first quote that I chose will be by John Wayne...
" Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway"

John Wayne not only can keep you interest in a classic western that will put you on the edge of your seat but he also can put things in the most simplest and wise ways. Of course he would be one to talk about such an applicable character trait. This is one he had come to be familiar with in the roles he had played for most of his career. I love this quote not only for its whit, or just... because it's simply said by John Wayne, but because it really does reflect how sometimes in life it really does feel just like he stated. You are completely scared at a certain point of time when a opportunity for practicing courage or and you are not to sure if you will make it out the way you would like but for great and honorable reasons you still stand up for, or do what ever you know is the best thing and actually do it. Ever since I had found that quote and were in these positions, I can't help but smile and chuckle and think of this quote and realize I need to just bare through insecurities and suck it up and practice what courage really is.

1 comment:

  1. Allecia, you are just such an awsome bloggist. I love your quotes and I think that you're the prettiest blog woman I have ever seen. I am your idol. If there is any website that should be visited more than facebook, it should be this blog. Absolute genius, and you are stunning.
