Sunday, July 10, 2011

Quote #6

"Oppertunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."
- Thomas Edison

Amen Edison!! I love this quote. It's so true especially in this day in age where we have so many conviences that we sometimes tend to whine when we actually have to do something more than lifting our finger. Okay, okay, I admit not everone is like this but it is becoming a higher fraction of those that are afraid to do hard work because they were never really made to do it before. Hey, I admit I really am naturally lazy and sometimes I give in but I know I must fight that natural feeling. It's not even nessisarly the childrens fault it's just how most people are brought up now. If Thomas Edison saw us now he would probaly pass out at the sight. We shouldn't pass up the most benificial oppertunities just because it may seem uncomfortable at first. Let's build up our character!

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